Delete Account


Welcome to the Delete Page of DGM Wallet. This page provides you with information and guidance on how to delete your account and personal information from our application. We value your privacy and want to ensure that you have control over your data.

Account Deletion Process

If you wish to delete your DGM Wallet account, follow these steps:

  1. Open DGM Wallet App:
    • Launch the DGM Wallet application on your device.
  2. Go to Account Settings:
    • Navigate to the account settings or profile section within the app.
  3. Find Account Deletion Option:
    • Look for the option related to account deletion or deactivation.
  4. Initiate Deletion Process:
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to initiate the account deletion process.
  5. Confirmation:
    • Confirm your decision to delete the account when prompted.
  6. Verification:
    • For security purposes, you may be required to verify your identity through a confirmation code sent to your registered email or phone number.
  7. Deletion Completion:
    • Once the verification is successful, your account deletion will be processed. Please note that this action is irreversible.

Data Removal and Retention

  • Personal Information:
    • Your personal information, such as name, email, and contact details, will be permanently deleted from our system.
  • Financial Information:
    • Financial data, including payment card details, will be securely and permanently removed.
  • Usage Information:
    • Non-personal information related to your usage history will no longer be associated with your account.

Contact Support

If you encounter any difficulties or have questions regarding the account deletion process, please contact our support team at []. Our customer support is available to assist you and ensure a smooth experience.

Important Notes:

  • Irreversible Process:
    • Account deletion is a permanent and irreversible process. Make sure you have backed up any essential data before initiating this action.
  • Effect on DGM Wallet Services:
    • Deleting your account will result in the loss of access to DGM Wallet services and any associated bonuses or rewards.
  • Applicable Laws and Regulations:
    • We comply with relevant data protection laws and regulations during the account deletion process.

Thank you for being a part of DGM Wallet. If you choose to delete your account, we appreciate the time you spent with us. If you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to share them with us.

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